Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Unfair Advantage

1.      My personal experience managing a production line of over 150 people.
a.       Valuable?  This provides a lot of value because I already have experience divvying out responsibilities, creating effective teams and figuring out how to best use the employees to complete tasks on, or ahead, of time. Also, I know how to do this with a few employees, or over a hundred employees.
b.      Rare? While not rare per se, I would not say it is overly common either.
c.       Inimitable?  Of course someone with similar experiences could do the same things I can with this experience and knowledge; it is a matter of if they could do it as well.
d.      Non-substitutable?  I would say the ability to effectively grow and manage employees is non-substitutable.
2. Being two minorities coming together to create a business.
a.       Valuable? This is valuable in the form of specialized grants and loans specifically for minority groups.
b.      Rare? While women entrepreneurs are not as rare as they once were, my partner is African-American and male; they are much rarer as far as being entrepreneurs.
c.       Inimitable? Not terribly hard to be copied, but not easy either just based upon statistics.
d.      Non-substitutable? Of course there are many other ways to receive funding without being a minority.
3. Having a connection with several businessmen and women between Pensacola, FL and Atlanta, GA who have expressed interest in a clothing line like what we are wanting to start.
a.       Valuable? It is always valuable to have input from those who make up ones customer base. It also gives us instant customers when the time comes.
b.      Rare? I doubt this is rare; most people who come up with a business opportunity and pursue it probably have those in their life willing to purchase the items.
c.       Inimitable?  While it may not be the same connections, we all ae connected in some way so I would say it is copy-able.
d.      Non-Substitutable? I would say that this group cannot be substituted since they both help to motivate and mold ideas.
4. My education. (Currently have an A.A. and am working on B.A.).
a.       Valuable? Education is always valuable!
b.      Rare? No.
c.       Inimitable? Many people have the same credentials.
d.      Non-Substitutable? Experience can substitute for a degree.
5. Customizability.
a.       Valuable? In today’s society, the ability to customize is very important.
b.      Rare? In clothing, yes.
c.       Inimitable? Other companies could do the same thing.
d.      Non-Substitutable? Yes.
6. Short runs, ensuring a certain amount of rarity in the clothing.
a.       Valuable? Yes, since this increase the value of the clothing line.
b.      Rare? Somewhat. Other clothing lines do this, but it is not a norm.
c.       Inimitable? It is copyable.
d.      Non-Substitutable? Yes.
7. My partner and I both are very driven.
a.       Valuable? Yes, since success often hinges on a persons drive.
b.      Rare? No.
c.       Inimitable? Of course.
d.      Non-Substitutable? Yes.
8.  Support of close family and friends.
a.       Valuable? Incredibly so. These are the people who can keep one going when they feel they cannot go on. Support and encouragement is completely invaluable. Not to mention, they may be willing to help finance our idea should it ever come to fruition.
b.      Rare? I hope not.
c.       Inimitable? I would assume most successful people have this kind of support, so it therefore can be copied.
d.      Non-Substitutable? Yes!
9. My partner’s artistic abilities- from photography to painting to drawing he is amazing!
a.       Valuable? Incredibly so. This makes us unique. Even if another artist contributed to another line of clothing, they would not be him and bring his unique ideas and art to the table.
b.      Rare? Somewhat. Not everyone has artistic ability (like me, I can barely pull off a stick figure!)
c.       Inimitable? No. His work would be protected under copyright law, making it unique.
d.      Non-Substitutable? No doubt!
10. My partner’s education in graphic design.
a.       Valuable? Yes! He can create unique logos and designs right on the computer as a result. This opens us up to a lot of possibilities.
b.      Rare? No.
c.       Inimitable? No.
d.      Non-Substitutable? No doubt!

Our most valuable resource is my partner’s artistic abilities. Because we are entering a market that is so saturated, it is what will set us apart from others. It is the very core of what makes us unique and special.


  1. Zoe,

    Great job! You really put a lot of thought into this post, going through each and every VRIN specification. I looked at this assignment differently and only talked about the VRIN aspects that my resources did have. I also love that you have partnered up with someone for this venture! I do wish you posted a video of your most valuable resource, though! You seem to really know what you're setting out to do, best of luck to you in the future! If you want, check out my post:

  2. Hello Zoe,

    Thank you for sharing the things that make your venture different from other up-and-coming business concepts. I thought your VRIN analysis were very good, although I would have tried to focus them on your personal strengths. Not that having a business partner is not a good thing, on the contrary I think it will serve to strengthen your business. But it's important to consider what one brings most to the table.

    Good luck!

    Please feel free to check out my post:

  3. Having personal experience is rightfully at number one! those were all really great qualities, you put a lot of work into those and it really shows. You seem like you're pretty set on whatever your idea is and that you're ready to start today!
