Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 4 Reading Reflection

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 

In my mind I always attached the idea of creativity to the ability to create art or music. I had not thought of it as improving the systems around us (like creating the electric car in lieu of the traditional gas driven).

2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I did not find anything that really confused me in this chapter- it was pretty cut and dry.

3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?

Is it necessary to have creativity in order to be innovative, or can innovation happen without the creative process?
Where did the author come up with their definition of creativity?

4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?

While I understand the author’s intent behind encouraging us to celebrate our failures, I cannot help but disagree. Some failures simply need to be learned from and moved on from.

Customer Interviews No. 1

Hey everyone! I just finished interviewing my five "customers". It was interesting because I am in New Orleans during Mardi Gras season so people are everywhere...and in varying states of intoxication and merriment. I found women were more open to speaking with me and being video recorded, while I had a lot of men say no when I asked. This was surprising. The one thing I learned is you never know who you might meet that may be a future benefit to you. I met a lady who works at Saks Fifth Avenue and has connections with buyers. Since the opportunity I am looking into is a new clothing line of artistically designed, unique, well made, made in America clothing, the connection with her may prove to be an invaluable one. Here are the videos.

Sorry for the closeness of the last two. We were crowded in together for a parade.

The opportunity I am looking into is a new clothing line. A friend of mine is an artist and designs unique clothing that is career casual type clothing, but you know no one else in the office will be wearing the same shirt. We want to release each clothing design in small amounts, and have it all made to the highest quality right here in the U.S. We also want to offer an online feature on the website where people could send in measurements and get custom fits for an extra amount.

I earned some of what I already know- men like to shop quickly. Women like to shop inexpensively. Quality is important, as is location. It seems most are willing to seek out a higher quality product that will lat a long time, but they still want to do it on a Macy sale budget vs. Dillard's full price budget.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

Top 5 Problems
1) Water Crisis
2) Poverty
3) Oil Dependence
4) Global Warming
5) Racism

Top 5 Solutions
1) Oil Dependence Solution: By using more solar, wind, water and electric means of power our dependence on oil would reduce.
2) Global Warming Solution: Reduce factory emissions and increase the number of electric or hybrid cars on the road, thereby decreasing the amount of pollutants entering the atmosphere
3) Racism Solution: First of all, those within the justice system who exercise prejudice, from police officers to judges, should be held accountable instead of having their actions covered up. A civilian “jury” of some sort should be able to look at the merits of each case and decide upon innocence or guilt, as well as appropriate actions to be taken if necessary. Worldwide the best we can do is to educate children to appreciate diversity so that future generations will not experience racism.
4) Water Crisis Solution: Much of the solution comes from reducing the amount of pollution created, from less plastic to less CO2 emissions. While it will be a long process to bring polluted waters back to where they should be, it is doable if we get a handle on it.
5) Poverty Solution: Better education and better jobs. 

            Considering how short of a time humans can live without water, clean water is a necessity, not a choice. Not only that, water which carries diseases causes so many deaths every year! I debated between poverty and water as the biggest issues since poverty is often the cause of having access to bad water and no food, but have to acknowledge that water is an issue even in the richest of countries.
            Many countries are making changes to use solar, wind and water to create electricity, and electric cars are already becoming more prevalent. This solution would be the easiest to implement because it is already becoming a reality, it simply requires a bigger push then is already being given.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunities

1) New Orleans Advocate 

Article Title: Sportsmen call for Louisiana governor to commit dollars to restoring coast
Story Description: The National Wildlife Federation found 124 local sportsmen, businesses, and organizations to sign a letter calling out Louisiana’s governor for not taking care of the beaches since the oil spill. The article discusses the various types of scientific ideas that could be used to fix the beaches.
Problem Presented: Louisiana has coasts that are eroding faster than anywhere else, causing the loss of important coastal wetland. BP funds have not been used properly to restore the beaches.
Person With Problem: The Governor has a problem because he is not applying BP fund in a responsible manner. The problem with the beaches eroding affects more than just one person. It affects the people in the state, the animals losing habitat and could have worldwide implications.

2) New Orleans Advocate 

Article Title: Measuring physical ability
Story Description: The article discusses the issues with tying to begin exercising when one has been living a sedentary lifestyle. It offers suggestions for building stamina. It also discusses ways to know if one is too sedentary.
Problem Presented: The over-abundance of those living a sedentary lifestyle, and the ways in which they try to overdo it when they begin to exercise, ultimately causing failure.
Person With Problem: Those who live a sedentary lifestyle.

3) Portland Press Herald 

Article Title: Waterboro man charged with theft by deception in Craigslist scam

Story Description: A man in Illinois purchased some auto parts from a man in Maine off of Craigslist. He wired the money, but the man never shipped he parts.
Problem Presented: The ease in which people can be dishonest in online transactions between individuals.
Person With Problem: The man who purchased the auto parts; it also could be a problem for anyone who takes part in person to person transactions online.

4)  Portland Press Herald
Article Title: Five crashes reported on Maine Turnpike after car breaks down in passing lane

Story Description: A car broke down on the Maine turnpike. As a result, traffic backed up causing 5 accidents.
Problem Presented: People going too fast for conditions.
Person With Problem: The five drivers who were not paying attention.

5)  Portland Press Herald
Article Title: Fame, abuse are no strangers, say advocates for domestic violence victims

Story Description: The story discusses the arrest of Don McLean after abusing his wife for the past 30 years. The article discusses how domestic violence knows no boundaries of wealth.
Problem Presented: The prevalence of domestic violence.
Person With Problem: It is a societal issue.