Bug List
Here are twenty things that just BUG me!
I received a FitBit flex for Christmas- the
clasp sucks so bad I already lost it in some parking lot.
does this problem exist? In an effort to be cheap, FitBit has made a clasp
that jut pushes through rubber and can easily be pulled out during routine
activities- seems kind of silly considering it is an activity tracker.
YouTube has too many commercial, I miss the days
where they were rarely there.
does this problem exist? In pursuit of higher profits, YouTube had to allow
more commercials.
Groupon Goods takes too long to ship.
does this problem exist? Either I am spoiled by Amazon and two day
shipping, or Groupon does not have an efficient shipping department.
Umbrella strollers break too easily. The wheels
get all wacky.
does this problem exist? The product is cheaply made.
The battery life on my Kindle Fire bites.
does this problem exist? I assume they gave up some of their well-known
quality in an effort to produce a low cost tablet.
The payday loan person who somehow got my number
and calls 3-4 times a day.
does this problem exist? Because it is too easy to have ones information
sold to companies.
Long lines at Walmart.
does this problem exist? To cut costs by not having enough employees.
The pressure salesman at Bluegreen Vacations who
know they are selling a horrible product.
does this problem exist? Because people respond to pressure sales and deals
that will only last “today”.
Blog sites that have too many ads, and have ads
that just start playing.
does this problem exist? Bloggers have to make money too- it makes ads
10. I
am writing my bug list in word and my computer just lost seven of the things I
had come up with for my bug list.
does this problem exist? I didn’t save like I should, and for some reason
auto-save wasn’t working either.
11. I
hate that I have to merge onto the interstate from the left every day when I
take my son to day care.
does this problem exist? The spot I get on the interstate at was added as
an afterthought.
12. My
van needs a part that can only be installed by the manufacturer in order for
the keyless entry and automatic doors to start to work again, and of course
they are charging a ton even though I can buy the part for $60 online.
does this problem exist? Greedy car companies.
13. The
intersection of Davis Hwy, University Pkwy and Olive Rd. is sooo backed up
during rush hour.
does this problem exist? The lights work against each other.
14. Between
my toddler and my fiancé, the remote for the Blu-ray player is always missing.
Since we don’t have cable and watch Netflix this creates an issue.
does this problem exist? Neither one of them knows how to put the remote in
the same spot every time they are done using it.
15. I
can never get a direct flight to places I travel, I am always stuck going
through Atlanta.
does this problem exist? Because I live in a small city, so it must go
through hubs.
16. The
UPS and FedEx guys can never deliver things to my house, they always deliver my
stuff to the neighbors.
does this problem exist? Negligence on the part of the delivery driver.
17. Talk
radio in the morning. I just want to hear some music!
does this problem exist? I assume most people like talk radio in the
morning, and I am an outlier.
18. My
Facebook feed always changes to Top Stories instead of Most Recent.
does this problem exist? Facebook is trying to put its will over mine….but
really I don’t know. I assume it is some Facebook thing.
19. Mr.
Potato Head is pretty much guaranteed to lose most his parts in less than two
does this problem exist? Because kids are kids, and Mr. Potato Head has a
lot of parts.
20. I
went to check on the status of a school book I still haven’t received and the
FedEx sight is down for maintenance.
does this problem exist? Because they have to do maintenance sometime.
I had a hard time coming up with twenty items. With the
amount of choices available, I do not have to continue with services or
activities that annoy me. That leaves me with the few annoyances that my family
creates. It was interesting trying to figure out why issues exist, versus just
accepting the issues as they are.
ReplyDeleteInteresting problems you are finding.. I see a lot of them are consumer related, which means you enjoy shopping. The only thing that makes me feel better when products or services are not up to par is writing reviews or taking survey. Companies pay a lot of money to market researchers in order to get feedback from consumers like you and I. I used to work for a market research company and the surveys really mean a lot to these big companies. So when you have an issue go online next time and fill out a survey or leave a comment somewhere with your complaints. Its my way of getting even. lol and I think some of the feedback gets relayed to the departments responsible. Happy shopping!
Check out my bug list here :http://blovejoyblog.blogspot.com/2016/01/bugs-list-week-2.html