Sunday, January 31, 2016

Customer Interviews No. 1

Hey everyone! I just finished interviewing my five "customers". It was interesting because I am in New Orleans during Mardi Gras season so people are everywhere...and in varying states of intoxication and merriment. I found women were more open to speaking with me and being video recorded, while I had a lot of men say no when I asked. This was surprising. The one thing I learned is you never know who you might meet that may be a future benefit to you. I met a lady who works at Saks Fifth Avenue and has connections with buyers. Since the opportunity I am looking into is a new clothing line of artistically designed, unique, well made, made in America clothing, the connection with her may prove to be an invaluable one. Here are the videos.

Sorry for the closeness of the last two. We were crowded in together for a parade.

The opportunity I am looking into is a new clothing line. A friend of mine is an artist and designs unique clothing that is career casual type clothing, but you know no one else in the office will be wearing the same shirt. We want to release each clothing design in small amounts, and have it all made to the highest quality right here in the U.S. We also want to offer an online feature on the website where people could send in measurements and get custom fits for an extra amount.

I earned some of what I already know- men like to shop quickly. Women like to shop inexpensively. Quality is important, as is location. It seems most are willing to seek out a higher quality product that will lat a long time, but they still want to do it on a Macy sale budget vs. Dillard's full price budget.


  1. The location that you chose for your interview seems to have provided you with potential benefits. The idea for your clothing line is unique. There probably is a market for your clothing, however, it might not be with people at Mardi Gras. What you did discover about mens and womens clothes buying habits was interesting. Your idea to offer custom sized clothing online should be popular.
    Fell free to visit my blog at

  2. Hey Zoe, I think new orleans is a great place to interview strangers as it is always busy and full of people from all over who can give you different opinions. I think your clothing line idea has a lot of potential. Custom sized clothing would be great for someone like me, as I usually find myself going back and fourth from medium and large shirts that don't quite fit just right. Your interview videos are some of the more entertaining I have seen. Keep up the good work!

    you can see my interviews here

  3. Hey Zoe!

    Wow I think this was a great idea! It really seems like you want to be an entrepreneur :) I feel like you should actually get going on this idea because i could see it blowing up! You could make a living off of this idea too! You did an extremely good job interviewing these strangers too! If you have some free time you can see my interviews here!

  4. I really liked the atmosphere of these interviews! It was very interesting to read that you had more women interested in speaking with you about clothing then men. It also goes to show the importance of networking because you could never know what the people around us are involved in. It could potentially mean a future career!

  5. Kuddos on approaching this challenge. The world of retailing is extremely competitive! I think you’re asking good questions to identify your key demographics. Would you only offer your products online? If so, how do you plan to convince your customers that they will be receiving a quality product? Also, what consumer are you really looking to pursue? The cost-conscious buyer who wants slightly higher than normal quality (e.g. people who shop at Michael Kors), or the price insensitive buyer who values quality above all else (e.g. people who shop at Prada)?
