Wednesday, January 13, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

I am rather fortunate- entrepreneurship has been something I was surrounded by my entire life. From learning sales techniques selling Girl Scout cookies, to helping my dad buy and flip cars for a profit, I learned I could make money if I put my mind to it. I also have a brother-in-law and sister-in-law who are successful entrepreneurs. My brother-in-law builds and sells websites and my sister-in-law is a psychologist who travels speaking to couples about tools to maintain healthy relationships. She also is an author.

While I have never done something as successful as my in-laws, I have sold electronics online, sold used upper scale clothing on eBay, fixed appliances to resale and currently freelance write. I enjoy putting my creativity to work, and setting my own hours.

One of the greatest opportunities I had to learn about entrepreneurship was working for a local entrepreneur, Burton Richie. I learned a lot of successful business tactics, as well as a lot about the consequences of crossing ethical and legal lines. He truly showed me both the best and worst of what an entrepreneur can offer the world, and these lessons have been invaluable as I make decisions about my entrepreneurial future.

1 comment:

  1. Zoe it sounds as if you were meant to become an entrepreneur! Having an entrepreneurship mind already and having a decent amount of entrepreneurial experiences will, hopefully, lead you to success soon.Can't wait to see what you are capable of doing. Do you have any ideas for the future?
