Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 1

The opportunity is the need for unique, well made clothing. With Tribe of Judah, we are creating fabrics with designs by an artist. We do small runs of each design, so as to keep the uniqueness. Also, customized fabrics and sizing is available. Here is my pitch:


  1. Hi Zoe!

    Great pitch! You're passion about you idea really comes through when you're speaking. My only suggestions for improving the pitch would be to change the camera angle so that you're filming yourself head-on rather than from below. Also, having more natural light around would improve the quality of the video. As for the idea, I honestly think that there are probably a lot of businesses similar to the one you're talking about out in the world. This shouldn't dissuade you though. I think you should think really hard about what is your competitive advantage and market that extensively. What makes you different from other custom clothes designers? Do you prices make you affordable to people with lower incomes or are you targeting high income consumers? What makes you different? You can succeed if you figure out how you're different and/or better (or cheaper) than anyone else doing what you're doing. Hope that helps! If you feel like helping me out on my idea, here's the link to my pitch:

    (feedback is always appreciated)

  2. Hi Zoe! I definitely agree with Cassandra that you were very passionate in the way you spoke about your business concept. I couldn't really see your face very well so maybe next time find a way to position the camera more in line with your upper body and increase the lightning.
    I think the idea of people being able to design their own clothing is wonderful especially since everyone has their own unique style and shape. I think if you can make this affordable and convenient as far as how to order and receive the items, this would be a great service anywhere.
    Here is my elevator pitch.

  3. I love the idea and I love your pitch! Your passion for this business really shines through. I would say for next time to figure out better lighting and to have the camera elevated so the audience can see a little better. I have seen businesses like this one before, so make sure to price and market competitively.
    Check out my blog:
